Pilates Boutique Studio
Oatley West
The “Pilates Method” is a set of principles, flowing movements and corrective exercises designed to improve control of the trunk muscles leading to good core stability and strength.
This allows the limb muscles to work more effectively and efficiently. It also improves flexibility, balance and coordination, creating good posture.
Pilates will noticeably improve posture by stretching very tight, tense muscles and strengthening weak, underdeveloped muscles. This will help alleviate pain or discomfort in the lower back, hips, neck and shoulders. Pilates will literally change the way you move.
Pilates exercises are ideal for everyone from late teens, all through adult life into extreme old age. All levels of fitness are catered for at Pilates Naturally Studio.
“The mind, when housed within a healthy body possess a glorious sense of power”
- Joseph Pilates
Pilates Classes Available
Enjoy a full body balanced workout incorporating essential Pilates exercises using your own body as resistance. One of the big keys in a Pilates Mat workout is the mobilization of the spine. This includes extension, flexion, and rotation of the spine. Focus will also be on Shoulder & Hip mobility and stability.
The outcome? Better posture, stronger and more flexible muscles, greater energy, coordination, balance and an increased ability to cope with day-to-day stresses.
At Pilates Naturally it’s all about variety & functional training. Therefore we change our pilates repertoire every term. By adding different equipment such as hand weights, thera-bands, magic circles, chi balls, bosu, body bars and fit-balls to your fitness regime your body will continue to respond to each workout and you will continue to see results. Change is vital to your results and we want you to achieve a body that moves freely without pain or discomfort – a body that is strong, supple and toned.
This class covers all postural and technical aspects of Pilates Reformer whilst offering a workout that forms an excellent base for progressive stabilisation work.
The Pilates Reformer helps one establish torso stability and postural alignment while working peripheral limbs in a range of motion. The adjustable springs allow for progressive resistance, which helps to lengthen and strengthen the muscles rather than building bulk. Each exercise has a focus and structured breathing enhances the benefits of each exercise. It makes for an effective, non-impact stretching and toning workout that is suitable for everyone.
The Reformer is a fixture in a Pilates Studio and is incorporated into most Personal Training Sessions. It is a key component to rehabilitation. So NOW is the perfect time to take the plunge and try this awesome class today.
One-on-one sessions are great, being personally supervised at least once a week is an invaluable experience increasing your depth of understanding and inspiring you to reach greater levels of health and fitness. You will first start your personal workout on our Clinical Reformer then you will proceed to the Wunder Chair and last of all you will master the Cadillac. You will also use our Ladder Barrel, Spine Corrector, and Small Apparatus and our Power-Plate. Have we tempted you yet? Personal best, happy new you! Yes remember it’s all about you at Pilates Naturally Movement Studio.
We can provide you with advice and assistance in the management of health, fitness and lifestyle issues.
Book a private session here.
There is no doubt that exercise can improve both the mind and body, but many of us just don’t have the luxury of time to dedicate to the ‘body beautiful’.
With Power-Plate, you no longer have an excuse! At last you can enjoy all the benefits of regular exercise – a toned body, better flexibility, circulation and stamina and improved fitness and well being – in just three short sessions a week.
The Power-Plate works by transferring vibrations to the muscles in the body causing them to contract in a reflex action. Different parts of the body are put in contact with the platform in various exercise positions ranging from squats, lunges push-ups to abdominal crunches, triceps dips or bicep curls. A pose is held for just 30 seconds at a time activating multiple muscle groups simultaneously to stretch tone or strengthen.
By assuming various positions on the Power-Plate, you can stimulate different muscle groups far more effectively than standard resistance training.
Benefits Of Pilates
Improved posture & core stability
Increased flexibility & balance
Relieves back pain by increasing trunk stability
Tone & elongate muscles without building bulk
Provides greater resistance to injury
Promotes better sport performance & general fitness levels
Boost your energy levels